Japan is a highly Service Robots oriented Market - Three way Dialogue Systems will be in high demand in Future.

Interview with Japan Roboticist and Celebrity “Hiroshi Ishiguro”

Junko Nirmala for | RoboticsTomorrow

Hiroshi Ishiguro is director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, Department of Systems Innovation in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University, Japan. Ishiguro has made an android that resembles him, called the Geminoid.His laboratory focuses on development of humanoid robot with lifelike appearance,communications and visible behavior such as facial movements.

During a Quick conversation during his visit to Service Robot expo at Intext Osaka we explore on his research focus and as well Japanese Market for Service Robots. During his presentation in the Expo seminar the highlights were also on Future communication with humans and robots.


Please provide us info on latest development from Ishiguro`s Laboratory.

We have several research projects that simultaneously that are on going to understand human and robots by different communication systems. In today`s presentation context; Development of a robot that can autonomously dialogue with people even in a general living environment has received much attention. All of the dialog systems developed currently are created by studying the manner of communication between people and robots from different aspects, and from now on, to conduct demonstration experiments and dialogue contents in various situations.

For example three way dialogue system will be in highly required in future. ,The touch panel dialogue system can be utilized not only for communication between humans and robots but also for human-to-human communication, and can be used for medical sites and customer service situations where voice communication is difficult, It is planned to spread in general as a new communication means different from dialogue.

Osaka University collaborated with NTT to develop three dialogue systems based on communication research between humans and robots, Dialogue Android System , Approval / Sensitivity Social Dialogue System and Touch Panel Dialogue System ".


Please help us in understanding in detail;

[ Few words in this paragraph are observed from the presentation].
Japan is a highly service robots oriented market and is in need of communications based and inter connected human like robots that could make life easier. So there is need for extensive functions that is combining all for this project , In the dialog system the speech dialogue technology developed by NTT is used.

A. Speech recognition technology: High recognition by acoustic modeling utilizing Deep Learning and WFST (weighted Finite state transducer) by a state transition model called optimal search network large vocabulary high speed / high Speech recognition technology this will help in realizing accuracy.

B. Chat dialogue technology: By structuring large-scale text data by language processing and making it dialogue knowledge, it corresponds to a wide range of topics Congestion detection technology to precisely suppress chat dialogue technology and contextually inappropriate remarks.

C. Machine translation technology: It differs from language analysis technology which learns highly accurate and compact models from large scale text data

Pre-sorting technology to eliminate word order differences between languages, Automatically learn translation knowledge from a large number of bilingual data

With statistical machine translation technology to provide highly accurate machine translation.

D. Noise collection technology: realized by combining multiple general-purpose compact intelligent microphones and sound signal processing technology, Intelligent microphone technology that enables highly accurate speech recognition even in noisy environments Direction of arrival, frequency characteristics, time, By using the intermittent fluctuation characteristics, by reducing the power of the ambient noise while suppressing the deterioration of the target sound, this would help in the target sound, possibly Clear sound collection.


How is the progress of Japan Service Robots Market.

There are many commercial companies that are developing and introducing new products day by day in this sector, and there are also many research based projects in various context in commercial big companies, start ups, universities. Many of them though not much commercialized or have not introduced in global market. We have to see each and individual orientation but demand wise it is going to huge from all aspects especially as discussed in communication among robots and humans

The conversation, presentation also ended by providing highlights on Big-Data, AI connected communication systems and how it will be part of human day to day livelihood and so on.


About Junko Nirmala
Junko Nirmala is a Tokyo resident with 17 years of Professional experience in Technology and business consulting services. Her diverse background includes Advisory assignments completed for 70 plus Japanese companies on Globalization, Founder of startup company in Green Technology, conducting Training and seminars for Global Workforce in Japan and so on. Currently she is involved in Promoting Japan Robots Industry. She has authored 3 books and consistently writes for newspapers and magazines in Japan.
The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of RoboticsTomorrow

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