Marketing Partner
Schmalz is the global market leader in vacuum automation and ergonomic handling solutions. Schmalz products are used all over the world in applications in the logistics, glass, metal, automotive, packaging, and wood industry sects. The wide range of products in the Vacuum Automation unit includes individual components such as suction cups and vacuum generators, as well as complete gripping systems and clamping solutions for holding workpieces.
Mailing Address:
5850 Oak Forest Dr
Raleigh, NC 27616
United States of America
Tel: (919) 713-0880
Company Category: Factory Automation
Company Sector: Manufacturing
Keywords: vacuum, clamping, gripping, lifting, EOAT, suction
Partner Status: Marketing Partner
![Schmalz Technology Development - The Right Gripper for Every Task](/images/products/schmalz-technology-development-vacuum-generation-without-compressed-air-flexible-and-intelligent.jpg)
Schmalz Technology Development - The Right Gripper for Every Task
In order to interact with their environment and perform the tasks, lightweight robots, like all industrial robots, depend on tools - and in many cases these are vacuum grippers. These form the interface to the workpiece and are therefore a decisive part of the overall system. With their help, the robots can pick up, move, position, process, sort, stack and deposit a wide variety of goods and components. Vacuum gripping systems allow particularly gentle handling of workpieces, a compact and space-saving system design and gripping from above. Precisely because the object does not have to be gripped, the vacuum suction cupenables gapless positioning next to each other.
Labor Shortages Impact on the Automation in the eCommerce Boom
Case Study - Safe Scoring
Enough Space for a Cool Head - Case Study from Schmalz, Inc.
Ergonomic Under Load: Vacuum Handling Systems for the Logistics Industry
MODEX Q&A - Schmalz
Vacuum Technology for the Digital Factory
Smart Pumps & Industry 4.0
Talking ProMat 2019 with Schmalz
Talking ATX West with Schmalz
White Papers
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