At this year's Promat show Pickle is demonstrating a production unloading robot, handling real freight (no empty boxes) to process both messy piles and more structured import freight at the top of each hour daily (10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm) in booth #N7170.

ProMat Q&A with Pickle Robot
ProMat Q&A with Pickle Robot

Q&A with | Pickle Robot

Tell us about your company. 

Pickle Robot is a pioneer in Physical AI for supply chain applications. Today Pickle robots autonomously unload trucks, trailers, and import containers at human-scale or better performance. The alternative is manual work that is difficult, dirty, sometimes dangerous, and increasingly hard to staff at distribution centers around the globe. Pickle Robot is laser focused on automating truck unloading using generative AI, machine learning, computer vision, advanced sensors, and industrial robotics to deliver engineered products customers rely on. Pickle Robot Unload Systems work alongside people on loading docks to make the work safer, faster, and more efficient. Pickle robots are physical AI that unload trucks.


Your company will be exhibiting at ProMat, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?

Promat is where the supply chain industry goes to experience the state-of-the-art technolgy and automation that global commerce relies on.  In recent years, Promat has become one of the premier events to see the leading edge of useable robotics.  If you want to see the robots that are revolutionizing the global physical economy, then you want to go to Promat.


What makes your booth a must visit for ProMat Attendees?

Pickle is demonstrating a production unloading robot, handling real freight (no empty boxes) to process both messy piles and more structured import freight at the top of each hour daily (10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm) in booth #N7170.  If you want to see a real trailer unloading robot that is running in production and deliverying ROI for multiple customers today, then you need to see Pickle Robot in action at Promat.


When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?  Any educational sessions, pavilions etc. you plan on attending? 

I am excited to see the evolution of robotic systems such as Pickle's to understand the technology maturity and compare offerings to demonstrations from past events.  I am also excited to see the early stage startups that often make their public launches at Promat.  

Material Handling is undertaking rapid advancements, be it automation, robotics and of course AI.  How is your companies services and products utilizing AI now to improve business? 

AI is foundational to Pickle Robot's technology stack.  We have had robots in production at customer sites for over 2 years and we capture a ton of data from those operations that feed back into our AI models and libraries to unlock better operating performance (speed, merchandise eligibility, etc.) for individual customers and across the fleet at all customers.


Give us your thoughts on what the future holds for robotics and material handling.

Every executive we speak with at prospects and customers believes that robotics is key to the near term and definitely the future of logistics and supply chain operations - full stop.  They are all looking for practical solutions that solve business challenges. The robotics and automation providers who solve specific business challenges really well will be the winners in the robotic automation revolution that has already started.  Robots that can optimize a useful task or process, as opposed to generic solutions that are either cool but not practical or good at a few tasks but not great at any specific task, won't be attractive in production operations and won't deliver the kind of ROI customers are looking for.


The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of RoboticsTomorrow

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