Festo Packages a Multiprotocol Servo Drive and Motor into an Innovative Developer's Kit
The Festo CMMT-ST starter kit offers a host of learning curve benefits and costs 50% less than individual parts.
The new Festo CMMT-ST servo drive starter kit for control engineers and programmers offers a smart, low-cost way to learn how to commission and size Festo's multiprotocol family of servo drives that range from 300 W DC up to 12 kW AC. The kits are discounted at 50% of the cost of the individual components and can be ordered online at the CMMT-ST MP starter kit page.
Each of these developer's kits contains a CMMT-ST 300 W servo drive, EMMT-ST stepper motor with battery-free multi-turn absolute encoder, motor cable, and connectors. CMMT-ST servo drives feature:
The integrated safety function safe torque off
Fast and easy commissioning with Festo Automation Suite
Data monitoring
Dynamic, point-to-point, and interpolating movement
Control of BLDC, stepper, and EC motors
Direct and secure cloud connectivity
Compact design
The EMMT-ST stepper motor features an absolute encoder, IP65 protection, optional holding brake, and control via a single cable. QR codes included with the developer's starter kit link to Festo Automation Suite software for commissioning and Electric Motion Sizing software for sizing components for the application. Festo sales personnel, applications engineers, and distributor personnel are available to assist the development process.
All Festo CMMT-ST DC and CMMT-AS AC servo drives are compatible with EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, PROFINET, and Modbus TCP protocols. Users simply log onto the drive and select the protocol from a dropdown menu. This family of multiprotocol servo drives lowers inventory and engineering overhead through a learn one/learn them all strategy of function block programming across the entire CMMT servo drive family.
For more information on the advantages of working within the Festo ecosystem of less engineering overhead, fast time to market, seamless connectivity, and high-quality components, visit http://www.festo.com
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