FIPA introduces lightweight suction fingers and angle arms

FIPA introduces lightweight suction fingers and angle arms. Structurally optimized light-weight, modular, adjustable suction fingers weigh up to 50% less than their predecessors.

December 2 2011--FIPA introduces lightweight suction fingers and angle arms. Structurally optimized light-weight, modular, adjustable suction fingers weigh up to 50% less than their predecessors. The angle arms weigh up to 22% less than previous models. Both the suction fingers and the angle arms offer high flexibility in terms of their application due to their continuous angle adjustment.

The modular, adjustable suction fingers that integrate vacuum cups into gripper systems are available in 12 models with various clamp diameters, shaft lengths and connection threads. Another advantage is their secure installation and removal without using any snap ring. The elimination of snap rings from the design avoids the need for long searches for matching snap rings and the safety hazards arising from the use of snap rings that do not match exactly.

The modular, adjustable angle arms utilize a clamp on the angle arm joint which prevents any accidental angle changes due to excessive stress on the clamping head. The process safety of the system is greatly increased as a result. Another advantage of the new design is that the clamp shaft of the grippers can be attached directly to the shaft of the now rigid angle arm - provided that the angle adjustment capability is not needed. This flexible adjustment is made possible by the identical diameters of the clamps. The adjustable angle arms are also available in 12 models, which differ in their shaft diameter, shaft length and clamp diameter.

Clamp diameters for any requirement: The adjustable suction fingers and angle arms are available in 12 models with three shaft diameters (10, 14, and 20 mm), three lengths per shaft diameter and various connection threads and clamp types.

Light-weight design for optimized dynamics: The light-weight design of the suction fingers means up to 50 % less weight. Depending on the model, they weigh between 15 and 86 g. The weight of the angle arms, which ranges from 29 to 119 g depending on the model, has been reduced by up to 22 %.

Practical details: Snap ring-free mounting and removal of the suction fingers. When the angle adjustment capability is not required, sprue grippers can be attached directly to the shaft of the adjustable angle arm, as both have the same diameter.

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