Now packaging with robots is more productive and energy-efficient

KEBA robot control KeMotion with its built-in feature "Intelligent Motion" ensures a long look-ahead path and motion planning.

The KeMotion robot control from KEBA allows user-friendly multi-robot control

A typical pick & place application from packaging industries controlled by KeMotion
That way multiple robot kinematics in a shared working space can be controlled by one single KEBA robot control. Standstills and harsh start and stop actions are effectively avoided. Motion-sequences are always smooth and flowing.

Increased productivity and improved energy-efficiency

In practice this means an increase in productivity by up to 10% and improved energy efficiency to the same degree. In addition, the mechanics of the robots are treated with care, which in turn increases the lifetime on one hand and allows sparing of house-sized kinematics on the other hand.

Technology advantage in series

"Intelligent Motion" is a standard feature of KeMotion and already factory-installed. The user benefits from it without having additional costs or extra programming effort.

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