The version 2019.2 of Datakit’s 2D and 3D formats conversion software is available

New versions of CATIA V5, CGR, Revit, Rhino and NX are supported.

The latest update of Datakit's CAD data exchange software range is now available!

It adds the support for new CAD and BIM formats versions reading, for all Datakit applications:

CATIA V5 and CGR readers
CATIA logoThe version V5-6 R2019 (R29) is now supported. As usual, Datakit closely follows the evolution of CATIA versions and offers support for new versions very soon after their release. Datakit tools can thus now read and convert .CATDrawing, .CATPart, .CATProduct and .cgr files from versions R10 to V5-6R2019.

Revit reader
Revit logoA little over a year after the first release of its Revit reader, Datakit continues to improve the support of this format and now offers the ability to read files coming from Revit 2016. This version is added to versions 2017, 2018 and 2019 already supported.

Rhinoceros reader
Rhino logoDatakit plug-ins for Rhino are compatible with Rhino 6 for one year now. The novelty of V2019.2 concerns Datakit's .3dm file reader, which is now also able to read files coming from Rhino 6.
Versions 4, 5 and 6 of Rhinoceros are therefore supported.

NX reader
NX logoSiemens has recently changed the numbering of NX versions and has released two new versions: NX 1847 and NX 1851. Datakit's tools are now able to read them, while still supporting older releases, from Unigraphics 15 to NX 12.

The version 2019.2 also benefits from the constant improvement of the dozens of CAD converters provided by Datakit. Indeed, they are maintained constantly, in order to improve their quality and to process new entities while optimizing the execution time.

These enhancements apply to all Datakit's product lines: for end users using plug-ins or the converter CrossManager, as well as for software vendors integrating Datakit's technology.

Users wanting to try Datakit software can download it and get a trial license on CrossManager and CrossCad/Plg official pages.

Software vendors interested in CrossCad/Ware can visit the API presentation page and contact Datakit to get information relevant to their activity.

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The maxon IDX Compact Drive with Integrated Positioning Controller

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