Robotmaster at EMO 2019

Robotmaster will be displaying its latest revolutionary technology at EMO 2019 in Hannover, Germany.

Montreal, CANADA, September 13, 2019 - Intercam SA- the distributor of Robotmaster in Europe, will be exhibiting at EMO 2019 from September 16 to the 21st at the Hannover Messe in Hannover, Germany. Visit them in hall 9 booth B23 for a preview of the world's leading CAD/CAM based offline robot programming software.

The team and technology behind Robotmaster has always put the offline programming software at the forefront of the industry. From its state-of-the-art proprietary CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology inside of Robotmaster, to automated programing by using the best error-free path for your robot in just one click- Robotmaster lets you program your robot offline without any downtime. This is the type of revolutionary technology that makes it much easier to let the task expert finally focus on their job with no robotic expertise required. Say goodbye to point-by-point teach pendant programming which exponentially slows down your production and increases cost, since your robot is too busy not working.
With over 16 years of research & development and their strong background in CAD/CAM software, Hypertherm's Robotic Software team has been able to bring a revolutionary approach to programming industrial robots. 
Today, Robotmaster software is running on robots drilling airplane fuselages at Boeing and Airbus, polishing automotive dies at Daimler Mercedes, and adding value to a multitude of processes at family-owned job shops around the world. 
Come see and be part of the revolution of robot programming!

See you in Germany!

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