New features for version 2019.4 of Datakit's CAD file converters

3D file conversion to FBX and glTF formats is now possible, new versions of Creo Parametric, Parasolid, NX and Solid Edge, and three new plug-ins for Rhino have been developed.

The latest update of Datakit's latest 2D and 3D data exchange software update comes with many new features!

Converting files to new formats
This release provides CrossManager, Datakit's standalone converter, the ability to convert most 3D formats into two new formats:

Converting to FBX
FBXCrossManager now includes FBX exporting. It can convert from up to fifteen different 3D file formats into .fbx. Converted files can be opened with software that supports this format, including those developed by Autodesk.

Converting to glTF
glTFA new glTF writer is also available. CrossManager can convert from up to fifteen different 3D formats into .gltf or .glb.
This open format is developed by the Khronos Group, who describe it as the "JPEG of 3D". In fact, it's already been adopted and supported by many programs. CrossManager adds to the whole structure by making it easy to get glTF files from many CAD formats.

Support for the latest versions of CAD formats
Datakit version 2019.4 also enhances the existing interfaces by adding reading support for new versions of CAD formats.All Datakit software benefits from these improvements:

Reading Creo Parametric
CreoVersion 6.0 of Creo Parametric is now supported. Datakit's tools can now read and convert files from ProEngineer 2000i to Creo 6.0.

Reading NX
NXSiemens has released several new versions of NX over the past three months since Datakit's V2019.3 release. V2019.4 already supports these new versions up to NX 1880.

Reading Solid Edge
Solid EdgeDatakit has updated its native Solid Edge format reading to support the recently released Solid Edge 2020.
Datakit's tools can now read and convert files from Solid Edge 10 to 2020.

Reading Parasolid
ParasolidDatakit continues its development of Parasolid format reading, used by many CAD software as a geometric modeling kernel. Version 32 of this format is now supported.

Three new plug-ins for Rhino
With this new version, Datakit has also created three new plug-ins for Rhinoceros to complement its current offer.
These plug-ins allow Rhino to add Creo View, Revit and IFC file import options.

The Creo View file import plug-in has been added to the import plug-ins bundle for Rhino at no extra cost.
Revit and IFC file import plug-ins have been bundled in a brand new "BIM import bundle", which offers these two plug-ins for the price of one.

Improvements for the whole software set
V2019.4 also benefits from the continuous improvement of dozens of CAD interfaces provided by Datakit. They are, in fact, in permanent maintenance to improve their quality and support new entities, while also optimizing execution time.

These improvements apply to all Datakit product lines: for end-users using plug-ins or the CrossManager converter, as well as for software vendors incorporating Datakit technology.

Users who wish to test Datakit software can download a demo license from the official CrossManager and CrossCad/Plg webpages.

Software publishers interested in CrossCad/Ware can visit the SDK introduction page and contact Datakit for information tailored to their area of activity.

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