Silicon Valley AUVSI and NASA Present URBAN AIR MOBILITY 2020: ONE GIANT LEAP FOR SILICON VALLEY, February 27, 2020 at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Ca.

Silicon Valley Brings Together Industry Heavy-Hitters for Technical Discussions at NASA AMES Surrounding State of Urban Air Mobility, Unmanned Traffic Management, Remote Identification & Trust Framework. The Silicon Valley Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) has announced a symposium on February 27, 2020 that'll bring together the brightest minds in the unmanned aviation industry to discuss topics including the future of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and the state of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM).

The Silicon Valley Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International has announced a symposium on February 27, 2020 that'll bring together the brightest minds in the unmanned aviation industry to discuss the future of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and the state of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM).

Keynote speakers for this event include Dr. Eugene L. Tu, the Center Director at NASA's Ames Research Center, and Dr. Michael (Mike) Romanowski, the FAA Aircraft Certification Service's (AIR) Director of the Policy & Innovation Division (AIR-600).

Prior to joining AIR, Mike was the FAA's Director of Commercial Space Integration, where he provided executive leadership and direction for the evaluation and regulation of commercial spaceports, launches and reentries, and the integration of these operations within the National Airspace System. Mike also served as the FAA representative to the White House's National Science and Technology Council and its Committee on Technology. He was the aviation advisor to the first-ever Chief Technology Officer of the United States during his time in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Mike also served as the FAA Director of NextGen Integration and Implementation, with responsibility for ensuring the integrated application, planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of FAA's NextGen air traffic management modernization portfolio. In these roles, he focused on developing and advancing strategies and policies across the federal government and the private sector to promote innovation and accelerate the benefits of federal investments in aviation and aeronautics.

Dr. Eugene Tu leads a staff of civil servants and contractors in providing critical research and development support that makes NASA's and the nation's aeronautics and space missions possible. Eugene was most recently director of Exploration Technology at Ames, a position he held from November 2005 until his selection as Ames center director in May 2015. There he led four technology research and development divisions, including two of NASA's critical infrastructure assets: the consolidated arc jet testing complex and the agency's primary supercomputing facility. He began his career as a research scientist conducting computational fluid dynamics research on the steady and unsteady aerodynamics of complex aircraft configurations.

This symposium is a unique opportunity for industry, press, and the public to have access to these panelists and presenters. Industry leaders will discuss the most pressing issues related to Urban Air Mobility and UTM on exciting panels that include: Remote Identification, Emergence of Autonomous Urban Air Mobility, Airframe Designs for Urban Air Mobility, and Venture Perspectives. The day will be filled with talks from NASA scientists and thought leaders, as well as industry change makers like Jennifer Richter, Greg Deeds, Dean Donovan and Dr. Lance Eliot. This unique open forum will allow attendees to ask questions and discuss real issues facing the industry including research and operational priorities.

Emergence of Autonomous Urban Air Mobility, moderated by NASA, will examine safety and progress in autonomous urban air mobility services. Venture Perspectives, moderator by author and investor Dr. Lance Eliot, will feature Dean Donovan from Diamond Stream Partners, investors in such industry successes as Volaris Airlines and Elroy Air.

The day will also include a fireside talk by renowned Dr. Parimal "PK" Kopardekar of the NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) and Mr. Timothy Bennett, Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This event is free and will take place in Silicon Valley at historic Moffett Field in Mountain View, California. The venue sits on the campus of NASA Ames Research Center. Symposium attendees will also have access to a networking reception at NASA's ‘Spacebar.' Tickets are available now, and more information can be found at

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