startZ – Zimmer Group's Robot Starter-Box for easy gripper integration
from unboxing to plug & work – Gripper connection & commissioning is now possible within a few minutes
With their latest product, startZ, the Zimmer Group presents one of the simplest methods for beginners and experts in robotics and handling technology to turn an idea into reality within minutes. For a quick start, the gripper manufacturer from Rheinau supplies the customer with its "Innovation in one box" solution. All the necessary components for set up are contained in a small, smartly designed package. This includes the gripper, communication module, operating software, any required tools and all of the connecting elements.
Comfort App
In addition, Zimmer Group offers a comfort app tailored to the robot manufacturer, this enables the gripper to be controlled and operated conveniently via the respective robot operating unit. It guarantees simple set-up operation and contains all the necessary commands for implementing a smooth automatic mode, plug and work or plug and grip within minutes!
• All components ready to connect in one box
• Intuitive guideZ setup software
• Manufacturer-specific Comfort app for actuating the gripper via the robot control panel
• Mounting material included
• Required assembly tools included
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