Plus One Robotics Survey: 75% of Americans Say Delivery Delays Dampen Holiday Spirit

New data shows consumers demand speed and transparency, as 77% track holiday packages daily

A new survey commissioned by Plus One Robotics, a provider of AI vision software and solutions for robotic parcel handling, reveals that 75% of Americans report holiday delivery delays negatively impact their holiday experience, with 12% saying delays ruin their celebrations entirely.

The survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers demonstrates the importance of reliable and transparent shipping operations during the holiday season. An overwhelming 82% of consumers consider seeing the expected delivery date before checkout either "extremely important" or "very important," indicating that shipping information plays a crucial role in holiday shopping behavior. The study also found that 77% of shoppers actively track their packages daily during the holiday season, demonstrating a high level of consumer engagement with delivery logistics.

Speed remains a critical factor in holiday shipping, with 43% of consumers expecting delivery within 2-3 days, even during peak holiday periods. The research also revealed notable gender differences in shipping preferences, with more women (42%) than men (36%) unwilling to order a $50 holiday gift unless the shipping is free. Age-based differences were also apparent, with Millennials emerging as the most active package trackers - 45% checking multiple times daily.

"These findings underscore the crucial role that efficient warehouse operations play in holiday satisfaction and retailer reputation and loyalty," said Erik Nieves, Founder and CEO at PlusOne Robotics. "With three-quarters of consumers reporting that delivery delays impact their holiday experience, it's clear that reliable logistics automation solutions are essential for meeting customer expectations during holiday seasons."

The survey also demonstrated clear leaders in consumer trust for holiday deliveries. Amazon dominated with 83% of consumers ranking it as their most trusted delivery source, followed by big box retailers like Target and Walmart at 59%. This significant gap highlights the competitive advantage that sophisticated logistics operations provide major retailers during the crucial holiday season.

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