Utilizing Cobots to Manage Labor Shortages
By replacing manual CNC processes with the RB series cobots, the company has increased productivity by 40 to 50 percent. This has enabled the company to respond more effectively to client demands, which have increased two to three times since the recent semiconductor boom.
Using Technology to Combat the Skilled Labor Shortage
Successful manufacturing companies are combatting the skilled labor shortage by investing in automation and software to complement their existing workforce, meet production requirements, and attract new talent.
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Featured Product
Stäubli robotic tool changer solutions
Stäubli is a pioneer in the construction and development of robotic tool changing systems. Our customers benefit from our many years of expertise in all industry sectors, as well as our modular product concept, which offers three efficient solution paths: MPS COMPLETE offers preconfigured robotic tool changers for immediate use. MPS MODULAR allows the user to determine the configuration, while MPS CUSTOMIZED allows the construction of special, application-specific systems.