Indiegogo - Robit launches Indiegogo campaign for home helper robot that works like a smartphone

Robits creators call on developers to hack their robot and diversify its functions

Today Robit, kicked off its Indiegogo campaign to raise $40,000 over 30 days for its flagship product - a home robot eponymously called "Robit." Its now available on Indiegogo for as low as $349.

Robit is a tool for getting things done. Powered by apps, it runs on Raspberry Pi and is open source, meaning its range of functions are only limited by the imaginations of developers. Out of the box capabilities include: face recognition, teaching children to code, finding lost items and guarding the home.

"Home robots have generally been positioned as ‘companion devices or ‘friends of the family. Our goal was to create a robot that actually made life easier for its owners," said Robit Co-Founder Shlomo Schwarcz.

Robit uses a preconfigured version of the Raspbian OS. All Raspberry Pi libraries and applications will be available in Robit.

Similar to a smartphone, Robit has its own app store with open-sourced applications. Robits Founders will open up the platform - the libraries, the APIs and the built in applications - to developers.
"We believe the more brainpower that goes into Robits development, the more innovative it will become over time. We encourage users to hack Robit - meaning modify his software in any possible way. Applications will reflect what users want because those users have a hand in making it so," Schwarcz added. "And for only $349, this home robot is very affordable at half the cost of its competitors."

Robits Indiegogo campaign runs from February 10, 2016 until March 10, 2016. For a full rundown of the pledge levels, visit the Indiegogo page.

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