“Customers continue to shift toward more flexible solutions to support a variety of tasks. ATI’s product families are configured to order and designed to increase process flexibility.” Booth #4411

Discussing ATX West with ATI Industrial Automation

Q&A with | ATI Industrial Automation

Tell us about your company.

ATI Industrial Automation is the world-leading engineering-based developer of robotic accessories and robot arm tooling, including Automatic Tool Changers, Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensing Systems, Utility Couplers, Robotic Deburring Tools, Robotic Collision Sensors, Manual Tool Changers, and Compliance Devices. Our robot end-effector products are found in thousands of successful applications around the world. Since 1989, our team of mechanical, electrical, and software engineers has been developing cost-effective, state-of-the-art end-effector products and solutions that improve robotic productivity.


Your company will be exhibiting at ATX West & Design & Mfg Expo, which of the 5 shows is your target and what is it that makes this an important event for your company?

ATI looks forward to the upcoming Automation Technology West Expo (ATX West) in Anaheim, CA! This event provides a chance for us to interface with existing and potential users who are focused on breakthrough automation applications. This event takes us beyond the usual manufacturing automation setting and allows us to engage with communities interested in driving automation forward. The ATX West event always provides our applications and engineering staff refreshing perspective on creative applications of ATI equipment. 


What makes your booth a must visit for Expo Attendees?

Visitors to our booth will interact with a variety of ATI product displays and robotic demonstrations that highlight a wide breadth of automated applications such as robotic tool changing and material removal, active force sensing, utility coupling and more. Attendees will gain a sense of how ATI equipment enhances the flexibility of automated systems, and how multiple ATI products can be leveraged to optimize automated processes. 


When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?  Any educational sessions, pavilions etc. you plan on attending? 

Our folks are looking forward to the offerings in the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Summit. Tuesday’s keynote on Tech Disruptors Transforming the Robot Revolution is a must-see event for our staff as well as the various sessions on collaborative robot technology and 3D printing and prototyping. The ample education and continuous improvement opportunities are one of many things we love about attending ATX West.


Advanced Manufacturing is undertaking rapid advancements, be it 3D Printing and the materials used to automation and robotics.  Automation Technology is a huge part for many manufacturers, give us an idea on how your company and product is being utilized now in the smart factory.

Customers continue to shift toward more flexible solutions to support a variety of tasks. ATI’s product families are configured to order and designed to increase process flexibility. Our Automatic Tool Changers enable the use of different end-effectors within a single cycle with minimal changeover time. ATI’s Force/Torque Sensors help robots plug into their environment through force feedback and allow them to be a more active part of the application. ATI’s Material Removal Tools are designed with adjustable compliance force to accommodate different types of materials and finishes. Our products elevate the productivity and efficiency of automated systems and allow our customers to accomplish even more. 


Give us your thoughts on what the future holds for manufacturers and automation technology.

It’s hard to think of an industry these days that does not exploit automation in some way, and shows like ATX West help to highlight the diverse landscape of automation technology. While our booth is located in the ATX West event space, our products can be found in multiple booths throughout the event. As long as there are dirty, difficult, and dangerous operations in the world, there will be an opportunity for automation technology to shine.  


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