Servo-Tek Publish 8pg Comprehensive DC Tachometer Catalog

The new Servo-Tek Products Company tachometer catalog includes detailed specifications of all Servo-Tek high performance DC tachometers for precision speed control applications.

11th Asia International Industrial Automaiton Exhibition,2015

Professional automation exhibition for INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (Production and Process Automation), ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, ROBOTICS, INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION IT & SOFTWARE


Developed for high-energy pulsed Q-switching infrared laser applications, a new, high-absorption samarium oxide glaze from Morgan Advanced Materials means it is now able to offer three grades of glaze for laser systems.

Intelligrated launches redesigned, enhanced spare parts procurement website

User-friendly features improve ordering experience

Servo-Tek Publish 8pg Comprehensive DC Tachometer Catalog

The new Servo-Tek Products Company tachometer catalog includes detailed specifications of all Servo-Tek high performance DC tachometers for precision speed control applications.

VERSABALL Beer Pong Robot

From Empire Robotics: The VERSABALL is a squishy balloon membrane full of loose sub-millimeter particles. The soft ball gripper easily conforms around a wide range of target object shapes and sizes. Using a process known as “granular jamming”, air is quickly sucked out of the ball, which vacuum-packs the particles and hardens the gripper around the object to hold and lift it. The object releases when the ball is re-inflated. VERSABALL comes in multiple head shapes and sizes that use the same pneumatic base... ( Empire Robotics' site )

Four Robotics Related Kickstarters For January

EVB: Replace the brain of your LEGO® EV3 with BeagleBone / X PlusOne: Your Ultimate Hover + Speed Aerial Camera Drone / The ProtoCam+: An easy way to build projects and prototypes around your Raspberry Pi Camera Module with your A+ and B+ Raspberry Pi / Tektyte: LogIT Specialised Circuit Testers

Harmonic Drive® Publish 148pg Comprehensive Gearhead Catalog

The new Harmonic Drive® gearhead catalog includes detailed specifications of all Harmonic Drive® high performance gearheads for servo and stepper motors.

Gudel Introduces the Base-RAP Dress-out Solution

Standard routing and protection solutions for cable management from TrackMotion cable carrier to robot base.

Robot Learning Manipulation Action Plans by "Watching" Unconstrained Videos from the World Wide Web

From Yezhou Yang, Yi Li, Cornelia Fermuller and Yiannis Aloimonos: In order to advance action generation and creation in robots beyond simple learned schemas we need computational tools that allow us to automatically interpret and represent human actions. This paper presents a system that learns manipulation action plans by processing unconstrained videos from the World Wide Web. Its goal is to robustly generate the sequence of atomic actions of seen longer actions in video in order to acquire knowledge for robots. The lower level of the system consists of two convolutional neural network (CNN) based recognition modules, one for classifying the hand grasp type and the other for object recognition. The higher level is a probabilistic manipulation action grammar based parsing module that aims at generating visual sentences for robot manipulation. The list of the grasping types. Experiments conducted on a publicly available unconstrained video dataset show that the system is able to learn manipulation actions by “watching” unconstrained videos with high accuracy.... ( article at ) ( original paper )

2014 Robotics In A Word: "MORE"

The list of top stories in robotics for 2014 is a story of "MORE": MORE uses of and for robots; MORE serious discussions about robots; MORE robots in unusual places; MORE news in the financial press; MORE funding, acquisitions and IPOs; and MORE choices.

MTI Systems Inspires Manufacturing Career Interest by Donating Again to FIRST Robotics Club

Robotics club size doubles gaining more students interested in manufacturing.

Morgan Advanced Materials announces ceramic capacitors for high voltage and high power radio frequency applications

Morgan Advanced Materials (MGAM) announces its extensive range of ceramic capacitors for high voltage DC and AC and high power radio frequency (RF) applications.

Intuitive Robot Programming for Flexible Aerospace Manufacturing

Robots are proving to be flexible tools for aircraft manufacturing and assembly. Their full potential however can be limited by the challenges of programming a robot in a CAD/CAM environment. Software that integrates offline programming, simulation, code generation, and path optimization makes the process seamless and error-free.

John Carmack On Modern C++

Winter break homework from John Carmack. Gamasutra reprint article "In-depth: Functional programming in C++": A large fraction of the flaws in software development are due to programmers not fully understanding all the possible states their code may execute in. In a multithreaded environment, the lack of understanding and the resulting problems are greatly amplified, almost to the point of panic if you are paying attention. Programming in a functional style makes the state presented to your code explicit, which makes it much easier to reason about, and, in a completely pure system, makes thread race conditions impossible... ( full article ) Also "Lessons to learn from Oculus development team when using the “Modern C++” approach": Modern C++ doesn’t imply necessarly the overuse of templates Andrei Alexandrescu says about the Modern C++ design: "Modern C++ Design defines and systematically uses generic components - highly flexible design artifacts that are mixable and matchable to obtain rich behaviors with a small, orthogonal body of code." Modern C++ has a close relation with generic programming; probably it’s the reason that makes many developers neglect the modern C++ approach. They think that the code will be mostly implemented as templates, which makes the code difficult to read and maintain. In the SDK, the templates represent only 20% of all types defined and most of them are related to the technical layer... ( full article )

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Factory Automation - Featured Product

The maxon IDX Compact Drive with Integrated Positioning Controller

The maxon IDX Compact Drive with Integrated Positioning Controller

The compact brushless EC-i motor combined with an EPOS4 positioning controller delivers a highly dynamic, powerful drive package with field-oriented control (FOC), high efficiency, and maintenance-free components in a high-quality industrial housing. The maxon IDX drives are suitable for use across the entire speed range (from standstill to maximum speed) and have an extremely high overload capability. Together with a positioning controller, the integrated sensor (single turn) enables absolute positioning.