Novotechnik - High Accuracy Position Sensors Unaffected By Magnetic Fields

The LS1 Series of position sensors can be factory or user programmed for start– and end–points, slope and offset. Two push buttons and status LEDs enable easy programming to get the most accuracy and flexibility for your application’s travel length.

Southborough, MA… Novotechnik, U.S. introduces the LS1 series of advanced inductive linear position sensors. Stroke lengths of these non-contact sensors are 25 (10???) mm to 200 mm.

Absolute linearity of the LS1 Series is to ≤ 0.1% of full scale. Repeatability is to < 3 µA or 3 mV, depending on current or voltage output selected. Analog output options are 0.1 to 10 V DC, 10 to 0 V DC, 4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA. These digital sensors have low and high speed update modes. Low speed update rate is 50 Hz and high speed is 950 Hz.

The LS1 Series of position sensors can be factory or user programmed for start- and end-points, slope and offset. Two push buttons and status LEDs enable easy programming to get the most accuracy and flexibility for your application's travel length.

Models are available with and without a return spring.
For more information contact Novotechnik U.S., Inc., 155 Northboro Road, Southborough, MA 01772 • Phone: 508-485-2244 • Fax: 508-485-2430 • Web:

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