Employees say that robotics and AI offer safety, productivity, and career benefits in new MIT Study
One of the key trends in the data that shows promise is that 60% of employees globally who have interacted with robotics and AI expect positive impacts on their safety, career development, and productivity.
Amazon AWS RoboMaker
RoboMaker extends the most widely used open-source robotics software framework, Robot Operating System (ROS), with connectivity to cloud services.
Amazon drone designed to self-destruct in emergencies. Here's why.
Patrick Caughill for Futurism: The feature would use the onboard computing system to analyze conditions to determine the best course of action.
Amazon robots bring a brave new world to the warehouse
Michael Pooler for FT.com: An industrial dance takes place every day and night on the floor of Amazons huge warehouse in Manchester.
How Robots Using Amazon Alexa Could Help Injured People Be More Mobile at Home
Barb Darrow for Fortune: A Canadian-American robotics company is turning to the popular Amazon Alexa-Echo combo to help people with spinal or lower-body injuries be more mobile and autonomous in their homes.
Amazon Robotics Challenge 2017 won by Australian budget bot
BBC: Cartman - a budget-priced robot from Australia - has triumphed in an annual contest to create a machine that can identify, pick up and stow warehouse goods.
Amazon Enlists Researchers to Build Box-Packing Robots
Joshua Brustein for Bloomberg: Teams competing in Amazon's third-annual contest tackle a problem that has kept companies from automating warehouses entirely.
Amazon Selects Finalists to Compete at the Amazon Robotics Challenge Event in Japan This Summer
The Amazon Robotics Challenge will award up to $250,000 in prizes and encourages idea sharing and innovation within the robotics and automation community
Amazon Challenges Robotics' Hot Topic: Perception
Capturing and processing camera and sensor data and recognizing various shapes to determine a set of robotic actions is conceptually easy. Yet Amazon challenged the industry to do a selecting and picking task robotically and 28 teams from around the world rose to the competition.
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The maxon IDX Compact Drive with Integrated Positioning Controller
The compact brushless EC-i motor combined with an EPOS4 positioning controller delivers a highly dynamic, powerful drive package with field-oriented control (FOC), high efficiency, and maintenance-free components in a high-quality industrial housing. The maxon IDX drives are suitable for use across the entire speed range (from standstill to maximum speed) and have an extremely high overload capability. Together with a positioning controller, the integrated sensor (single turn) enables absolute positioning.